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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Friday, June 8, 2012


First of all, I would like to apologize for not posting yesterday. I was very busy and then with the internet being down, I wasn't able to get on. So - I'm making up for it today! :-)

Today, our internet is finally back on!! So this is why I am currently online making a post. It's something you really don't think about while you have internet...but when it goes out, and you have things to do online, that's when it really matters. Never take that for granted!!

Last night while Craig was at work, I went over to my mother-in-law's house and we had a Thirty-One party. Thirty-One is a company that sells all kinds of bags, purses, and luggage. They have lots of different prints and patterns. It was definitely a lot of fun. We all had a great time just relaxing and talking and just having a great fellowship with friends.

There's one movie that Craig and I really want to see again. That movie would be The Avengers. That is one movie that I believe everyone should see. It is a really good movie - and great quality! Some people may say it's boring...but I don't believe that. It's action-packed from beginning to end. There's also two other movies I'd like to see. "Snow White and the Huntsman" and "Mirror Mirror" Has anybody seen these? If so, how were they? I'd like to see them but I just haven't been able to yet. I'd like reviews so I know if I should just wait until they're out on DVD or if it's worth the money to see them in theaters. Thanks in advance!!

It's quite funny how clingy the cats have been. Over the past couple of days, both of the kitties have been following me around, hopping up on my lap, curling up into my side, meowing at me constantly, and anything else they can do to get my attention. This morning at 5:30am, apparently JD and JJ wanted the same toy. Craig woke up to them wrestling and fighting over it, hissing at each other in the process. He wound up waking me up when he got out of bed and says, "Hey! Knock it off!!" as he took the toy away from them and shut the door. Now, keep in mind we didn't actually go to bed till about 3am, so he had only been asleep for 2 1/2hrs. Needless to say, he was a bit upset they woke him up by fighting.

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