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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Long Time No Post

So, I will be the first to admit that I have not posted in a while. And, for that, I apologize.

I have been going through a lot these last few....well, months, honestly. The reason for that is because I am going through a divorce. Thankfully, and hopefully, the divorce will be completely over and finished on Tuesday (February 4).
That being said, I'm just relieved that it's almost over. Now, you may ask, why are you so callused about it?
I, honestly, don't have an answer for that. I guess it's mostly just because of all the stuff I've been through.

On a happier note - I now have a full-time job!! I'm working my first "big girl" job and it's Monday through Friday! I also have a part-time job that I work on Saturdays. Needless to say - I'm going to be one busy busy girl! Someday, I may switch to only the full-time job, but it's nice to have a little extra cash to throw towards bills or in my gas tank.

I've also moved back in with my mom....actually, that was almost a year ago, but hey - I haven't posted in over a year, so I'm throwing it out there now. It's nice to be back in my small, tiny town where I can run into someone who knows my family. As the saying goes, you can take a girl out of the small town, but you can never take the small town out of the girl. And, oh is that saying true! But, hey, it's nice to be near family and friends again - especially during this hard time.

Okay - so I have a question. How long do goldfish usually live? Isn't it only like a year, if that? Because, seriously, my goldfish are, like, ancient now. Two of my three goldfish are over a year old. I got them when I was living in Indiana for a while and that was early January of 2013. And it's now February 1, 2014 and those goldfish are still alive and flipping. (Yes, I did just say "flipping" instead of "kicking")

I've also become practically obsessed with a TV show. I don't usually become obsessed with movies or TV shows, or really anything like that. Books, maybe, but not usually TV shows. It's called Heartland. And, I must admit, it's pretty awesome. Drama, comedy, family, action...pretty much everything mixed together. I'm following their website as well....it can be found right here on this link. Right now, I'm kind of upset because the show is put on hold because of some....sports games. Can you believe it, sports! Ha, anyway, it's coming back on air on March 9th!

Speaking of sports, the superbowl is tomorrow...how does everyone feel about that? Who's playing again? Oh, that's right....the Seahawks and Broncos. I've seen many "memes" and jokes about how the superbowl is just going to see who can get higher than the next because of their bills being passed concerning marijuana. I'm going to be completely honest here, I don't really care who wins the superbowl. I usually only watch it with friends...and I usually only watch it to see the commercials. Needless to say, I'm not much of a "sports fan". Yes, I know, how lame, right? Well, that's me - lame, I suppose. I'm just more into getting out there with friends and socializing, rather than sitting home and watching a game. "Well you just said you're obsessed with a TV show, how is football any different?" Well...I usually watch the TV show after work or on a Sunday when my mom and I are home spending quality time together.

As many people do, I have made some New Year's Resolutions. One of them is going to be "finalized" (hopefully) on Tuesday and then I can start with my others. 2014 is going to be a fresh, clean slate for me. A lot of what I have said today may just be ramblings of an Artist, but this paragraph is more of a real-life, let's talk, kind of paragraph. A lot of people make resolutions about weight, looks, relationships. Some people keep those resolutions and drop a bunch of weight, go with a major hair-style change that they later regret, or change their style of clothing, piercings, the way they do their make-up, etc. Well, I can honestly say that I have made some that are going to be difficult for me to keep, but I have a great support system that may help me.
One of these resolutions is: drop back down to the weight I was in high school. Yes, it's a weight resolution....but it's also for medical reasons.
Another is: Pay off all my debt.
Another: Start over with a completely new, clean slate in my life. I'm not going to continue to be manipulated by people or let people run my life. I'm going to be my own person from now on. And that starts now. In 2014.
So, I ask you - what are some of your New Year's Resolutions?

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Keep following this blog for more posts, and I promise you, I will continue posting this time. I won't go over a year without posting again.

Much Love,