About Me

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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Friday, July 20, 2012

One Happy Girl

Well, I am an extremely happy girl right now. Our internet is back up and running now. YAY! Now I have a home phone once again as well as can communicate with family and friends. I'm no longer known as Rapunzel!! :-) It will be nice to not have to worry about it going down anymore.

Yesterday was my six month anniversary with Craig. I can hardly believe we've been married for SIX months. It's CRAZY! I know this may sound cliche but it truly has been the best six months ever. I know that these people that have been dating or whatever are like "Oh yeah....sure" looking at this crazy young couple that have only been married for six months. But if you look at some of the couples that have been married for 10 years....15 years....and so on...those couples know exactly what I'm talking about. They say the first year is the hardest. You're really getting to know your partner - in more ways than you can imagine. You're learning what foods they don't like.....what foods they will NOT eat at all....what side of the bed they sleep on....how crazy they are when there's no one around....and you deal with them more than you were when you were first dating them. I know Craig and I have messed up in the past, but when you look at us now...I believe we made the right decision. We may not be the most perfect couple that does nothing wrong....but we are definitely trying to make steps in the right direction :-)

Well...Craig and I tried something new with the kitties the other day. We've been trying to leash train them. Hah. Yeah - it's not going so well as you can probably imagine *laugh*. But we know that JD had been trying to investigate the hallway outside of our apartment. So...we put the leash on him and opened the door, letting him explore as I held the other end of the leash. OH HE LOVED IT! He was all over that hallway. There were some men working on the elevator and he could hear banging and stuff even though the doors were shut on the elevator. He freaked out and RAN the other way. I was like "OH MY!" as I'm trying to keep up with him so he wouldn't strangle himself. JJ, of course, was a little bit freaked out since she's not quite as investigative as JD is. But, I believe she still enjoyed a little bit of freedom. Although, now, JD thinks that whenever we open the door he can investigate. So when Craig and I are coming or going, we have to block the door from him getting out. We really don't want a $25 first-time fee for our cat getting caught out in the hallway without a leash on or him in a pet taxi....although I don't think our neighbors would rat us out since they've let their cats run free in the hallway. There was a party going on down the hall one time and we were coming home and saw a cat just sitting out in the hallway looking at us and we're like "Well hello there" Hah. But the cat knew better and was just sitting there, looking at the apartment it lived in. Very well trained cat, if you ask me. JD would definitely not be so well-behaved. He'd be all over the hallway and sniffing out the other two doors in front of the apartments where we know there are cats living. And JJ would just be stuck to us like Velcro.

Well, it feels good to have my blog back and my internet, but now I have a phone call to make. So I'll catch y'all later! :-)