About Me

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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Adventure-packed evening

Last night was a bit interesting. The husband and I watched a few episodes of my favorite show - NCIS. :-) After that, we decided to go to bed since it was late and Craig had to work this morning. Since I couldn't fall asleep, I decided to play on my phone. Suddenly, I started feeling something sneaking up my back since I was laying on my stomach. Then, the weight just plopped right in the middle of my back. Trying to turn and see which cat it was, I hear a "Meow!" kind of like JD saying "Hey! Watch it!" Shaking my head, I went back to surfing Facebook on my phone. Then, JD decided to play with my hair and purr right in my ear, keeping me wide awake. Finally, later on in the night, I went to go to sleep and so I got more comfortable, disturbing His Royal Highness in the process. *Moves to get comfortable* "MEOW!" "Shh!!" *Craig wakes up* "Huh??" "Not you" "Okay..." *Craig goes back to sleep* *Adjusts more to get comfortable* "MEOW! MEOW!!" "JD shut up!!" *Craig rolls over* "What?" (now fully awake) "He's being a pain in the butt....he won't shut up" "JD shut up" LOL I love my husband.

Finally we all got to sleep, kitty included. This morning, RIGHT BEFORE the alarm goes off, Jd hops up on the bed and Craig grabs him, waking me up by talking to him. JD then decides he wants Mommy so he lays down on my side, purring in my ear. This was fine with me since I was very comfortable and almost back to sleep. Right as I was falling back to sleep "ME-OOWWW!!" The little rugrat was hungry...so what does Craig do? Picks him up and "tosses" him out of the bedroom, shutting the door and then laying back down. Falling back to sleep, the alarm goes off. "MEOW!!" coming from right outside the door, I gave up. It was officially time to get up. So Craig gets up to go feed the little furry monsters. Do they follow him? Ohh no...they gotta make sure Mommy's up too...so JD hops up on the bed along with JJ. JD then proceeds to "sneak up" on me and then looked me directly in the face, leans in and touches noses with me, then "MEOW!!" right in my face. That was it. I gently tackled him to the bed and JJ watched with wide eyes as if asking "Mommy what are you doing?" lol.

Needless to say....it was an adventure-filled night and morning and Craig and I got hardly any sleep because of JD. Now will JD be tired? Oh of course not....because he sleeps all day long...and then is up all night trying to keep me wide awake.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Well lookey here...

Today I officially started my business by calling some different people. I got it all set up on Tuesday, but wasn't allowed to officially start yet until I had watched some videos and read some information on it. Wow! It's all a bit overwhelming but it was also pretty nice to know that I'm accomplishing something even by calling a few people. It's going to be pretty awesome once this whole thing gets going though.
The weather has drastically changed just within the last couple of days. One day it's hot and humid with a temperature of 85-90 and then yesterday and today it dropped down to about 60 and cold and rainy with really high winds. At this rate...this summer is definitely going to be different!!
I hope to finish my drawing tonight or tomorrow. But with the business...who knows if I will get to it. I have a feeling that's what my days are going to be filled with for a while....calling people and getting them set up on my team...but that's alright. It's been fun so far!!