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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Friday, August 10, 2012

NEW CAR!!! (And other stuff)

We got a new car yesterday!! I'm pretty darn excited about it :-) It's a 2006 Kia Optima that only has 91k miles on it. We are pretty happy with it. It has a couple minor cosmetic issues with it but that won't cost much to fix. Tomorrow we say bye-bye to Scorpio/Thor/Land-barge. To be quite honest, I am going to miss Land-barge. Craig's had it over a year. But, it's all in the Lord's will for us to get a different car. So we did.

Super, super happy!! My bestest guy friend EVER is coming up on Sunday afternoon. We're all going to go see Tim Hawkins IN PERSON!!! I'm totally stoked. Tim Hawkins is my faaaavvvveee!!! I'll post a video of him so y'all can see what I'm talking about. He's quite hilarious. I've seen Darren Streblow (another one of my faves) in person and I loved it! I'm totally taking my camera tomorrow night and taking pics. We're also going to go out to eat so I'm pretty stoked about that part too. We're gonna have a blast.

Well....a little update on the kitties. JD has been really bad lately. He's been going #1 outside the litterbox. And I mean...everywhere. He ruined my little netbook my uncle gave to me for Christmas in 09. And he's ruined some bags as well. So....Wednesday night, we went to take him to the local no kill shelter. We set him down and got ready to leave when we decided to give him a second chance and bring him home, hoping this would scare him into behaving. So far - it's worked!! He hasn't done it since we brought him home. And hopefully it will stay that way. I had a whole 2-3 loads of laundry to do because of him - little brat. JJ, on the other hand, has been doing pretty well. She really hasn't grown much since we got her and that's really strange. But she's eating really well and is healthy. So I'm not too worried. She might have just been the runt. And we can't feel her bones or anything so that's a good thing.

Craig and I started meal-replacement shakes together. We're hoping to each lose weight and the shakes are really yummy as well. So it definitely helps the diet. We're using fruit, milk, cottage cheese, and some other stuff in our shakes so we're getting nutrition, protein,  fiber, and our vitamins. So we're not starving ourselves or holding out on the healthy stuff from our body. We're also going to be doing some working out to help with the process. Needless to say, we're pretty excited about it and I hope this works. A few people I know are doing this and said that it's working for them so here's hoping! Wish us luck! :-)