About Me

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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Friday, June 8, 2012


First of all, I would like to apologize for not posting yesterday. I was very busy and then with the internet being down, I wasn't able to get on. So - I'm making up for it today! :-)

Today, our internet is finally back on!! So this is why I am currently online making a post. It's something you really don't think about while you have internet...but when it goes out, and you have things to do online, that's when it really matters. Never take that for granted!!

Last night while Craig was at work, I went over to my mother-in-law's house and we had a Thirty-One party. Thirty-One is a company that sells all kinds of bags, purses, and luggage. They have lots of different prints and patterns. It was definitely a lot of fun. We all had a great time just relaxing and talking and just having a great fellowship with friends.

There's one movie that Craig and I really want to see again. That movie would be The Avengers. That is one movie that I believe everyone should see. It is a really good movie - and great quality! Some people may say it's boring...but I don't believe that. It's action-packed from beginning to end. There's also two other movies I'd like to see. "Snow White and the Huntsman" and "Mirror Mirror" Has anybody seen these? If so, how were they? I'd like to see them but I just haven't been able to yet. I'd like reviews so I know if I should just wait until they're out on DVD or if it's worth the money to see them in theaters. Thanks in advance!!

It's quite funny how clingy the cats have been. Over the past couple of days, both of the kitties have been following me around, hopping up on my lap, curling up into my side, meowing at me constantly, and anything else they can do to get my attention. This morning at 5:30am, apparently JD and JJ wanted the same toy. Craig woke up to them wrestling and fighting over it, hissing at each other in the process. He wound up waking me up when he got out of bed and says, "Hey! Knock it off!!" as he took the toy away from them and shut the door. Now, keep in mind we didn't actually go to bed till about 3am, so he had only been asleep for 2 1/2hrs. Needless to say, he was a bit upset they woke him up by fighting.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Funny story....last night Craig locked his keys in his car when he got home from work. He calls me and asks "Can you come downstairs and let me into the building? I locked my keys in the car" So...being the good wife that I am...I grab my keys and head out to the elevator...in my PJ's!! I get to the elevator and am waiting for it to come to the floor. And when it does...there's Craig! Confused, I asked "How'd you get into the building?" He smiles "Some guy was getting home from work too and so I got in with him" Well, there went me helping him get his keys out of the car at 11:30pm. This afternoon, when he was getting ready to leave for work he looks at me and says "Hey um...you kinda need to walk downstairs with me" Well, of course, I was confused (having forgotten he locked his keys in the car). "Why?" I asked. He blushed and told me about his keys. "Oh yeah! Okay" So I went downstairs with him to unlock the car. This had to have been payback from...well, who knows what. I guess I'll figure it out later.
So last night, I was completely bored while watching a movie with Craig. I liked the movie, don't get me wrong, but I was so tired but wanted to stay up with Craig. So I was on Facebook and Twitter and totally blew up the news feed with finding funny pictures. So, apologies go out to everyone who saw it either last night or this morning!

Today, my best friend heads up Chicago with the National Guard for her test tomorrow. Honestly, I'm very, very happy for her but also very nervous!! I don't want my best friend to be gone for 6 months and not be able to text her for 8 1/2 weeks of that!!! But I'm very proud of her for choosing this route for her life. It's very brave - braver than I'd be able to do - that's for sure!! So Melissa...good luck!! And always know that your best friend is here for you whenever you need her and she will welcome you with open arms!! I love you, best friend!! <3

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Different Day

Well today was a different day for sure....but not in a bad way. Craig went to 2nd shift today - so that has officially thrown off my time clock. Instead of being gone from 6am-3:30pm, now hes gone from 2pm-11:30pm. Super different. It was nice being able to spend the day with him though.

I think he's thrown off the kitties' time clock as well. They're used to his first shift schedule, so they had a great time hanging out with both of us. However, they both looked at me as if asking "Why is he leaving now?" When he left at 2pm. They were totally thrown off by that.

I'm also used to having dinner ready at 5:30pm. However, since he had to leave earlier today, I had to have it as a lunch at around 12pm. TOTALLY throwing me off. I'm used to having a small lunch: usually a sandwich or a salad, and then having a nice dinner with the hubby. Not anymore!!

Well, I'm still trying to get people to join me on my online business. But it seems like everyone I talk to is either "thinking about it" or "totally not interested". Hopefully soon, my friends/family will realize that this is really easy and you're not just going door-to-door selling underground fences to people with no dogs. If you know a few people that love to travel, this is the business for you!! It's really simple and I just wish people would realize that. Since I am new at this, people can easily talk to my coach - who just started working here before Christmas and is already raking in the dough - and she can answer every question you throw at her!! I was throwing questions at her left and right and she answered them as if they were just raindrops on the windshield. She didn't even hesitate.

I'm just really looking forward to getting somewhere with this business - and having my friends do it with me would be AWESOME!

ATTENTION: My internet is currently down right now, so I may not post very many blog posts over the next couple days. For this, I apologize tremendously!! I will try to post when I can, if I go to the library (which is where I'm at right now). Until then, I hope everyone has a good day!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Quiet Around the House

Well, today has been pretty quiet so far. I woke up this morning but really didn't feel like getting out of bed. Forcing myself, I got up and walked out into the livingroom and immediately had JD wanting to be held and loved on. Silly kitty ;-) Instead of sitting at my desk to do my work/Facebook/twitter/email/blog, I grabbed the laptop and sat on the couch. As I'm getting comfortable, JJ comes racing over and hops up on the couch with one of the toys that she plays with. Picking it up, I tossed it for her to chase, but she just sat there and looked at me as if asking, "What am I suppose to do now?" Sighing, I knew she wasn't in the mood to play. As I continued to surf Facebook and Twitter, JJ decided she wanted attention. So, she hopped up on my lap and meowed as she stepped in front of my laptop, blocking my view.
The trains haven't been too loud today. Occasionally, I hear the whistle as they pass by our apartment, but other than that they've been awfully quiet today. It's been kind of nice having a peaceful, quiet day.
Surprisingly, I haven't heard any Fire/Ambulance/Police sirens yet today. (Now that I say that there will be one shortly) That has been rather nice as well because when those go by you can't hear anything going on. If you're watching a TV show, forget it for a while because those sirens aren't going to let you hear the show. Watching a movie? You're better off pausing it...because otherwise you won't be able to hear it.
The television hasn't been turned on yet today. I've been tempted to surf and see what's on but it's been kind of nice not having that on either.
It's nice just having a peaceful, relaxing day at home with the kitties and not having to worry about a ton of things going on.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Water Park and Shopping

Today was quite fun. We decided to go to the waterpark here in Joliet. It was great, except that once we really started to have fun, the clouds covered the sun and it was overcast. We barely got out of there before it started raining. And the water was also freezing cold. But other than that, it was great. Then, we tried to check out the Hobo store. We were walking in and got this really weird look from one of the cashiers. I was thinking "Okay, so our hair is still wet from the water park...that's not TOO weird, right?" Well we were checking out their cabinet displays when all of the sudden, "ATTENTION SHOPPERS!! It is now 6pm and Hobo's is now closed" Craig and I were like "Really?" So we had to leave. I then understood why we got the weird look from the cashier. We were trying to figure out where to go next when I thought of it. "Old Navy!" By the way, Old Navy is my favorite store. So, we headed over there. Craig decided he wanted to check out basketball shorts and see if he liked any. Walking through the guy's section, I found a pair of pajama pants that really stuck out. "Honey, look!" I said as I grabbed the pants off the rack. I handed him the Batman Pajama pants. And yes, Batman is my favorite superhero :-) Did he get them, you may ask? YES!! I asked him kindly, I did not force him - in case you were wondering.
Needless to say, today was pretty awesome!!