About Me

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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Different Day

Well today was a different day for sure....but not in a bad way. Craig went to 2nd shift today - so that has officially thrown off my time clock. Instead of being gone from 6am-3:30pm, now hes gone from 2pm-11:30pm. Super different. It was nice being able to spend the day with him though.

I think he's thrown off the kitties' time clock as well. They're used to his first shift schedule, so they had a great time hanging out with both of us. However, they both looked at me as if asking "Why is he leaving now?" When he left at 2pm. They were totally thrown off by that.

I'm also used to having dinner ready at 5:30pm. However, since he had to leave earlier today, I had to have it as a lunch at around 12pm. TOTALLY throwing me off. I'm used to having a small lunch: usually a sandwich or a salad, and then having a nice dinner with the hubby. Not anymore!!

Well, I'm still trying to get people to join me on my online business. But it seems like everyone I talk to is either "thinking about it" or "totally not interested". Hopefully soon, my friends/family will realize that this is really easy and you're not just going door-to-door selling underground fences to people with no dogs. If you know a few people that love to travel, this is the business for you!! It's really simple and I just wish people would realize that. Since I am new at this, people can easily talk to my coach - who just started working here before Christmas and is already raking in the dough - and she can answer every question you throw at her!! I was throwing questions at her left and right and she answered them as if they were just raindrops on the windshield. She didn't even hesitate.

I'm just really looking forward to getting somewhere with this business - and having my friends do it with me would be AWESOME!

ATTENTION: My internet is currently down right now, so I may not post very many blog posts over the next couple days. For this, I apologize tremendously!! I will try to post when I can, if I go to the library (which is where I'm at right now). Until then, I hope everyone has a good day!!

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