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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Quiet Around the House

Well, today has been pretty quiet so far. I woke up this morning but really didn't feel like getting out of bed. Forcing myself, I got up and walked out into the livingroom and immediately had JD wanting to be held and loved on. Silly kitty ;-) Instead of sitting at my desk to do my work/Facebook/twitter/email/blog, I grabbed the laptop and sat on the couch. As I'm getting comfortable, JJ comes racing over and hops up on the couch with one of the toys that she plays with. Picking it up, I tossed it for her to chase, but she just sat there and looked at me as if asking, "What am I suppose to do now?" Sighing, I knew she wasn't in the mood to play. As I continued to surf Facebook and Twitter, JJ decided she wanted attention. So, she hopped up on my lap and meowed as she stepped in front of my laptop, blocking my view.
The trains haven't been too loud today. Occasionally, I hear the whistle as they pass by our apartment, but other than that they've been awfully quiet today. It's been kind of nice having a peaceful, quiet day.
Surprisingly, I haven't heard any Fire/Ambulance/Police sirens yet today. (Now that I say that there will be one shortly) That has been rather nice as well because when those go by you can't hear anything going on. If you're watching a TV show, forget it for a while because those sirens aren't going to let you hear the show. Watching a movie? You're better off pausing it...because otherwise you won't be able to hear it.
The television hasn't been turned on yet today. I've been tempted to surf and see what's on but it's been kind of nice not having that on either.
It's nice just having a peaceful, relaxing day at home with the kitties and not having to worry about a ton of things going on.

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