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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Oh that dreadful time of year....the first sunburn!! Yes, yes, I know....most of you have already gotten your first burn and are working on your second right now. However, I have just gotten my first. And here's how it happened.

Yesterday, Craig and I went with a couple of friends to go boating before Craig went to work. I put on sunscreen because I know how my skin is. Horrendous pale skin. Anyway, I loaded it on and put it on the boat so that way I could put more on later. Craig, silly boy, opted out. As did the other guys. (Boys will be boys) Well, we were only out on the water, or in the water, for an hour and a half before we headed back to go to work and such. I was burnt, but not too too bad. I had to put on the Aloe Vera stuff to soothe the skin, however. And my thighs, which NEVER tan or burn and always look like they don't get any sun, got BURNT!! I'm pretty sure that's the part of me which hurts the worst with the burn.
Craig, however, was severely burnt. Not as bad as he's had before, but he was definitely burnt. We got home last night and he was getting ready for bed. His entire back was as red as a lobster. And apparently his coworkers were calling him "Lobster"!! Well, I put the gel on his back as well so his burn could heal. I almost cried due to him moaning and gasping when I touched his back with the gel. Now, for any of you that have had a sunburn and put on the medication ointment or Aloe Vera gel know full well that it is FREEZING cold when you put it on a burn. So, I squeezed some of the gel onto his back and he freaked out. "THAT'S COLD!" He objected. Well, there was nothing else I could do! The lotion his mother gave me to put on his back was just as cold!

This morning, my burn isn't bothering me quite as much - thank goodness. My thighs still hurt pretty bad so I wore basketball shorts today after getting ready. I decided I didn't care how I looked - I just wanted to be comfortable. Have any of you ever felt that way? Oh it is so nice to just calm down every once in a while and not care how you look. It's a wonderful feeling.

Well today I'm doing laundry (Ohh the joy) and relaxing at the same time. Taking care of my burn and not letting it defeat me!! And then later on tonight I will be at my mother-in-law's church for the Cola Clash - helping out in the kitchen. Last night was definitely fun helping out! It reminded me so much of Camp Joy listening to all of them cheer and seeing the red side and the blue side. It was so nice to watch the teens have fun. I only hope that tonight will be just as fun!

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