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I am 21 years young, working a full-time job and trying to make it in life. I hope you have fun reading my blog.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2 Days!!

I'm pretty excited - I'm going down to my mother's on Thursday. That's only 2 days away!!! Last night I was just going to get certain things packed....and it turns out I am completely packed - except for last minute things. :-) Craig was pretty impressed as was I. I wanted to see how much would fit into my new 31 Large Utility Tote to go to my mom's. Everything fits!! :-) I am very, very happy that 10 days worth of stuff plus a little bit will fit into that tote and still allow the lid to go on. It's gonna be nice not having to carry a big, huge bag around. This is only about the size of a large duffel bag.

I'm going to be at my mother's until July 8th. Don't worry, I will still be able to post on the blog, although I'm not sure how much I'll be able to. I will definitely try my best to post every day, however I know I'll have a pretty busy visit. It's always great to go down to Chillicothe, but I rarely ever have any down-time. It's kind of ironic. When I'm here in Joliet, I have loads of free time...but when I go to Chillicothe, I have no free time. You'd think my trips to Chillicothe would be full of down-time. Oh well.

On the fourth of July, Craig will be going down to Chillicothe. We're having a bbq at my mom's with a few friends that will hopefully be able to come. After that, we're going to be going to the fireworks at the river park. I love going to the fireworks every year. It is an awesome time to just be outside as well as spend time with your friends and family.

Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love it because you can spend time with your friends and family....but also because it's a huge memory for our country. Some people call it the "Birthday of our Nation" and that, in a sense, is true. I love it. And the fireworks are AWESOME!! I absolutely love watching fireworks and wish we did them more than just once a year, but that's alright.

Two years ago, I was with my friends at the river park watching the fireworks. We were taking pictures of them and laying down on a blanket I brought. Well, one of those fireworks was really, really big - like bigger than all the rest. Well, Melissa and I were freaking out taking as many pictures of that one as possible. Then, all of the sudden, one of the sparks came down and landed right behind us. If we hadn't moved, we would have been hit by the firework. It was scary but kind of cool at the same time....although not the part of us getting hit by a firework. We laughed about it afterwords saying we got a picture of the firework that almost killed us. How many people get to say that? :-)

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